Health Tips

What Should You Check Before Giving Insulin?

Insulin is easily the most important component of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus treatments.

Patients can purchase antidiabetic agents in brick-and-mortar drug stores, as well as buy Canadian insulin online after uploading a valid prescription from their medical providers.

However, before injecting, a person with diabetes needs to know exactly what should they check first. This way, the treatment will reach its highest efficiency.

What Is Insulin? The Difference Between Rapid- and Long-Acting Insulin

Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body that is responsible for keeping blood sugar spikes under control. Blood sugar spikes occur in all people after having a meal, it’s a normal process.

However, sometimes the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to lower sugar levels in the blood. This condition is called “diabetes mellitus”. There are 2 types of this disease – type 1 and type 2. While patients with type 2 mainly rely on insulin injections, there are alternatives for them, such as exenatide injection. Type 1 diabetes sufferers, however, can rely on insulin only.

There are various types of insulin:

  • Rapid-acting insulin – this type of insulin absorbs quickly, its onset of action is short. However, it doesn’t last long and stays active for only a couple of hours;
  • Short-acting insulin – its onset of action is a bit longer than that of the rapid-acting one. It lasts for 3-6 hours;
  • Intermediate-acting insulin – lasts for up to approximately 18 hours and takes up to 4 hours to start working;
  • Long-acting insulin – this type is the longest-lasting compared to other types of insulin. Its effect remains even for up to 24 hours. Some brands are claimed to last even longer, up to 48 hours;
  • Pre-mixed insulin – a fusion of two types of hormone injectables that combines their benefits.
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Usually, insulin is supplied in a vial. The solution can be administered with a syringe matching with a used type of insulin. Nevertheless, there are other insulin delivery devices, such as insulin pens, that allow administering a more precise amount of units of insulin through a safe needle that must be disposed of after touching the skin.

Which Blood Glucose Levels Require Insulin Administration?

For type 2 diabetes patients, their injection schedule and daily dose are related to the fasting blood sugar level. Normally, if it’s higher than 250 mg/dl, it calls for a doctor to prescribe insulin therapy. The schedule is also decided by a medical provider.

Blood glucose monitoring procedures, such as Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) test, Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), and others, are an important part of the therapy. Its results are used to spot the pattern of blood sugar spikes. This information will allow a health care provider to come out with an efficient diabetes treatment plan.

Things to Doublecheck Before Receiving Injection

Before receiving an insulin injection, it’s necessary to check whether your medication and insulin delivery device are in a proper condition:

  • Make sure that the medication hasn’t reached an expiry date yet;
  • Check if your insulin is of the same color as described in a patient’s leaflet and has no air bubbles in it;
  • Look for fractures and signs of damage on your syringe, pen, or vial. If there are any, don’t use them;
  • Always attach a new needle before you inject the solution. After the procedure, dispose of the used needle;
  • Don’t use the same syringe to inject more than once.
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In Conclusion

Insulin therapy requires responsibility and discipline. One can’t simply inject at any given time of the day without following a strict schedule. And, while it can sound discouraging for people who have just begun their insulin treatment, with time, this lifestyle becomes a natural part of everyday routine.

It’s necessary to remember to check blood sugar indications such things as the expiration date and the condition of a vial, a syringe, or an insulin pen before receiving a dose. With trustworthy health information sources and medical advice from a doctor, understanding the precautions of hormone therapy should not present a significant challenge to anyone.